The Undefeated Parent: A Guide to Managing Children's Stress
Helping parents apply psychological concepts on motivation and Choice Theory/Reality Therapy by William Glasser, to better understand themselves and their children, and make better choices to enable them to achieve their hopes and dreams.
Purchase here: 1. Armour Publishing 2. Amazon

"This book is for Asian parents who want less stress in their family life and less stress in their children's lives. It gives parents the tools they need to help their children self soothe and manage the anxiety that is common in Asian families... Readers will feel relieved to finally encounter authors who clearly understand Asian perspectives and who propose solutions and strategies that are congruent with Asian values and preferences".
Maureen Neihart, PsyD

"I highly recommended The Undefeated Parent for parents who wish to take a different
perspective of their stressors, have insight into their children’s wellbeing, and know how to
facilitate their children to be successful. The book is also ideal for counselors and therapists who
seek to better understand and work with Asian parents and Asian parenting challenges and it is a
welcome addition to continuing the mission of connecting through Choice Theory".
Lucy Billing Robbins, William Glasser Institute Faculty